- Y, Li, P. Guan, T. Li K.G. Larsen, M. Aiello, T.B. Pedersen, T. Huang, and Y. Zhang (2025) Digital Twin for Secure Peer-to-Peer Trading in Cyber-Physical Energy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering.
- I. Georgievski, A. V. Palghadmal, E. Alnazer, M. Aiello (2024) SH: Service-Oriented System for HTN Planning in Real-World Domains, Software X, Elsevier.
- D. Reddy, V., Rao, G.S.V.R.K., Aiello, M. (2024).Energy efficient resource management in data centers using imitation-based optimization. Energy Informatics 7, 106
- K. Haghshenas, B. Setz, Y. Blosch, and M. Aiello (2023) Enough hot air: the role of immersion cooling, Energy Informatics, Springer.
- I. Georgievski, M. Z. Shahid, and M. Aiello (2023) AI Temporal Planning for Energy Smart Buildings, Energy Informatics, Springer.
- M. Aiello and I. Georgievski (2023) Service Composition in the ChatGPT Era, Service-Oriented Computing and Applications, Springer.
- T. Piontek, K. Haghshenas, and M. Aiello (2023) Carbon Emission Aware Job Scheduling for Kubernetes Deployments, Journal of Supercomputing, Springer.
- Y. Liu, L. Palmeri, I. Georgievski, and M. Aiello (2023) Human-Flow-Aware Long-Term Mobile Robot Task Planning Based on Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 8(7):4068-4075.
- L. Fiorini and M. Aiello (2022) Automatic Optimal Multi-Energy Management of Smart Homes, Energy Informatics, Springer, 5:(68).
- K. Sadhu, K. Haghshenas, M. Rouhani, and M Aiello (2022) Optimal Joint Operation of Coupled Transportation and Power Distribution Urban Networks, Energy Informatics, Springer, 5:(35).
- B. Setz, S. Graef, D. Ivanova, A. Tiessen, M. Aiello (2021) Comparison of Open-Source Home Automation Systems, IEEE Access, IEEE, Volume 9: 167332 - 167352.
- M. Rouhani, M. Mohammadi, and M. Aiello (2021) Soft Clustering Based Probabilistic Power Flow with Correlated Inter Temporal Events, Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier, Volume 204, March 2022:107677.
- P. P. Malya, L. Fiorini, M. Rouhani, and M. Aiello (2021) Electric Vehicles as Distribution Grid Batteries: A Reality Check, Energy Informatics, Springer, 4(Suppl 2):29.
- A. R. Pratama, F. Blaauw, A. Lazovik, and M. Aiello (2021) Office Low-intrusive Occupancy Detection based on Power Consumption, IEEE Access, IEEE, vol 9: 141167-141180.
- M. Farrokhifar, H. Bahmani, B. Faridpak, A Safari, D. Pozo, and M. Aiello (2021) Model Predictive Control for Demand Side Management in Buildings: A Survey, Sustainable Cities and Society, Elsevier, 75:103381.
- M. Jafarian, J. Scherpen, K. Loeff, M. Mulder, and M. Aiello (2020) A combined nodal and uniform pricing mechanism for congestion management in distribution power networks, Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier, Volume 180, 106088.
- A. Sha and M. Aiello (2020) Topological Considerations on Peer-to-peer Energy Exchange and Distributed Energy Generation in the Smart Grid Energy Informatics, Springer, 3, Article number: 8.
- T. Dijkhuis, R. Otter-Drost, M. Aiello, H. Velthuijsen, H. van der Worp, and K. Lemmink (2020) Increase in the acute:chronic workload ratio relates to injury risk in competitive runners, International Journal of Sports Medicine, Thieme, 41(11):736-743.
- L. Fiorini and M. Aiello (2019) Energy Management for User's Thermal and Power Needs: A Survey, Energy Reports, Elsevier, Volume 5,(11): Pages 1048-1076.
- N. van Beest, H. Groefsema, L. García-Bañuelos, and M. Aiello (2019) Variability in business processes: Automatically obtaining a generic specification, Information Systems, Elsevier, 80: 36-55.
- C. Sun, K. Wang, T. Xue, and M. Aiello (2019) Adaptive BPEL service compositions via variability management: A methodology and supporting, International Journal of Web Service Research, IGI, 16(1):37-69.
- L. Fiorini and M. Aiello (2018) Household CO2-Efficient Energy Management, Energy Informatics, Springer, 1(Suppl. 1):29-34.
- L. Fiorini, M. Aiello, D. Poli, P. Pelacchi (2018) Topological Considerations on the Use of Batteries to Enhance the Reliability of HV-Grids, Journal of Energy Storage, Elsevier, 18:316-326.
- H. Groefsema, N. van Beest, and M. Aiello (2018) A Formal Model for Compliance Verification of Service Compositions, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, IEEE, to 11(3): 466-479.
- A. R. Pratama, W. Widyawan, A. Lazovik, and M. Aiello (2018) Multi-User Low Intrusive Occupancy Detection, Sensors, MDPI, 18(3), 796.
- T. Dijkhuis, F. Blaauw, M. van Itters, H. Velthuijsen, and M. Aiello (2018) Personalized Physical Activity Coaching: A Machine Learning Approach, Sensors, MDPI, 18(2), 623.
- I. Georgievski and M. Aiello (2017) Automated planning for ubiquitous computing, ACM Computing Surveys, ACM, 49(4):63:1-63:46.
- I. Georgievski, T. A. Nguyen, F. Nizamic, B. Setz, A. Lazovik, and M. Aiello (2017) Planning meets activity recognition: Service coordination for intelligent buildings, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Elsevier, 38(7):110–139.
- L. Fiorini, G. A. Pagani, P. Pelacchi, D. Poli, M. Aiello (2017) Sizing and Siting of Large-Scale Batteries in Transmission Grids to Optimize the Use of Renewables, IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, IEEE, 7(2):285-294.
- V. Dinesh Reddy, B. Setz, S. Rao, G.R. Gangadharan, and M. Aiello (2017) Metrics for Sustainable Data Centers, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, IEEE, 2(3):290-303.
- E. Kaldeli, A. Lazovik, and M. Aiello (2016) Domain-Independent Planning for Services in Uncertain and Dynamic Environments, Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier, 236(7): 30-64.
- G.A. Pagani and M. Aiello (2016) From the Grid to the Smart Grid, Topologically, Physica A, Elsevier, 449(5): 160-175.
- A. Sha and M. Aiello (2016) A Novel Strategy for Optimising Decentralised Energy Exchange for Prosumers, Energies, MDPI, 9(7):554.
- F. Blaauw, H.M. Schenk, B.F. Jeronimus, L. van der Krieke, P. de Jonge, M. Aiello, A.C. Emerencia (2016) Let's get Physiqual - an intuitive and generic method to combine sensor technology with ecological momentary assessments. IEEE Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 63(October):141-149.
- A. Emerencia, L. van der Krieke, E.H. Bos, P. de Jonge, N. Petkov, M. Aiello (2016) Automating vector autoregression on electronic patient diary data, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE, 20(2): 631-643.
- N. Capodieci, G. A. Pagani, G. Cabri, and M. Aiello (2016) An adaptive agent-based system for deregulated smart grids, Service Oriented Computing and Applications, Springer, 10:185-205.
- I. Georgievski and M. Aiello (2015) HTN Planning: Overview, Comparison, and Beyond, Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier, 222(5): 124-156.
- G.A. Pagani and M. Aiello (2015) Generating Realistic Dynamic Prices and Services for the Smart Grid, IEEE Systems Journal, IEEE, 9(1): 191-198.
- C. Sun, X. Zhang, Y. Shang, M. Aiello (2015) Integrating Transactions into BPEL Service Compositions: An Aspect-Based Approach, ACM Transactions on the Web, ACM, 9(2):9.
- G.A. Pagani and M. Aiello (2015) A complex network approach for identifying vulnerabilities of the medium and low voltage grid, International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, Inderscience, Vol. 11(1): 36–61.
- L. van der Krieke, A. Emerencia, E. Bos, J. Rosmalen, H. Riese, M. Aiello, S. Sytema, P. de Jonge (2015) Ecological Momentary Assessments and Automated Time Series Analysis to Promote Tailored Health Care: A Proof-of-Principle Study, Journal of Medical Internet Research, Vol 4, No 3: Jul-Sep
- G.A. Pagani and M. Aiello (2014) Power Grid Complex Network Evolutions for the Smart Grid Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Elsevier, 396(2):248-266. (Extended version on arxiv.)
- T.A. Nguyen, A. Raspitzu, and M. Aiello (2014) Ontology-based Office Activity Recognition with Applications for Energy Savings, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Springer, 5(5):667-681.
- F. Blaauw, L. van der Krieke, P. de Jonge, M. Aiello (2014) Leefplezier: Personalized Well-being, IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin, 15(1): 28-29
- E. Kaldeli, E.U. Warriach, A. Lazovik, and M. Aiello (2013) Coordinating the Web of Services for a Smart Home, ACM Transactions on the Web, ACM, 7(2):10.
- G.A. Pagani and M. Aiello (2013) The Power Grid as a Complex Network: a Survey, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Elsevier, 392(1): 2688–2700. (Extended version on arxiv.)
- T.A. Nguyen and M. Aiello (2013) Energy Intelligent Buildings based on User Activity: A Survey, Energy and Buildings, Elsevier, vol 56: 244-257.
- A. Emerencia, L. van der Krieke, S. Sytema, N. Petkov, and M. Aiello (2013) Generating personalized advice for schizophrenia patients, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Elsevier, 58(1): 23-36.
- E.U. Warriach, E. Kaldeli, A. Lazovik, and M. Aiello (2013) An Interplatform Service-Oriented Middleware for the Smart Home, International Journal on Smart Homes, Sersc, 7(1):115-142.
- I. Georgievski, V. Degeler, G. A. Pagani, T. A. Nguyen, A. Lazovik, and M. Aiello (2012) Optimizing Energy Costs for Offices Connected to the Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, IEEE, 3(4): 2273-2285.
- G.A. Pagani and M. Aiello (2012) Service-Orientation and the Smart Grid: State and Trends, Service Oriented Computing and Applications, Springer, 6(3): 267-282.
- M.Aiello, G.Bezhanishvili, I.Bloch, and V.Goranko (2012) Logic for physical space Synthese, Springer, 18(3): 619-632.
- L. van de Krieke, A. Emerencia, M. Aiello, and S. Sytema (2012) Usability Evaluation of a Web-based Support System for People with a Schizophrenia Diagnosis Journal of Medical Internet Research, Feb 6;14(1):e24. PubMed
- G. A. Pagani and M. Aiello (2011) Towards Decentralized Trading: A Topological Investigation of the Medium and Low Voltage Grids, in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, IEEE, 3(2):538-547. (Extended version on arxiv.)
- C. Sun, E. el Khoury, and M. Aiello (2011) Transaction management in Service-Oriented Systems: requirements and a proposal, in IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, IEEE, 4(2): 167-180.
- G. Frankova, M. Seguran, F. Gilcherc, S. Trabelsic, J. Dorflingerd, and M. Aiello (2011) Deriving Business Processes with Service Level Agreements from Early Requirements, The Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier,84(8):1351-1363.
- F. Aloise, F. Schettini, P. Aricò, S. Salinari, C. Guger, J. Rinsma, M. Aiello, D. Mattia, and F. Cincotti (2011) Asynchronous P300-based BCI to control a virtual environment: initial tests on patients, EEG in Neuroscience, ECNS, 42(4):219-224.
- C. Sun, R. Rossing, M. Sinnema, P. Bulanov, and M. Aiello (2010) Modelling and Managing the Variability of Web Service-based Systems, Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier, 83(3):502-516.
- M. Aiello and S. Dustdar (2008) Are our Homes Ready for Services? A Domotic Infrastructure based on the Web Service Stack, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 4(4):506-525.
- M. Aiello, and A. Lazovik (2006) Monitoring assertion-based business processes. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 15(3):359-390.
- A. Lazovik, M. Aiello, and M. Papazoglou (2006) Planning and monitoring the execution of web service requests. Journal on Digital Libraries, Springer, 6(3):235-246.
- M. Aiello, and A. Pegoretti (2006) Textual Article Clustering in Newspaper Pages. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 20(9):767-796.
- D. Schall, M. Aiello, and S. Dustdar (2006) Web Services on Embedded Devices. International Journal of Web Information Systems 2(1):1-6.
- G. Frankova, D. Malfatti, and M. Aiello (2006) Semantics and Extensions of WS-Agreement. J. Software 1(1):34-42.
- M. Aiello and P. Giorgini (2004) Applying the Tropos Methodology for Analysing Web Services Requirements and Reasoning about Qualities of Services. In J.P. Cuesta-Morales, Z. Guessoum, J. Gonzalez-Moreno, and J. Pavon-Mestras (eds). CEPIS Upgrade - The European journal of the informatics professional Novatica, V(4):20-26.
- M. Aiello and A. Smeulders (2004) Thick 2D Relations for Document Understanding. Information Sciences, Elsevier, 167(1-4):147-176.
- M. Aiello, J. van Benthem, and G. Bezhanishvili (2003) Reasoning about Space: the Modal Way. Journal of Logic and Computation, Oxford University Press, 13(6):889-920.
- M. Aiello, C. Monz, L. Todoran, and M. Worring (2002) Document Understanding for a Broad Class of Documents. International Journal of Document Analysis and Recognition IJDAR, Springer, 5(1):1-16.
- M. Papazoglou, M. Aiello, M. Pistore, and J. Yang (2002) Planning for Requests against Web Services. In F. Casati and U. Dayal (eds). CS Data Engineering Bulletin, IEEE, 25(4):41-46
- M. Aiello (2002) A Spatial Similarity Measure based on Games: Theory and Practice. Journal of the IGPL, Oxford University Press, 10(1):1-22.
- M. Aiello and J. van Benthem (2002) A Modal Walk through Space. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, Hermes, 12(3-4):319-363.
- M. Aiello (2024) The AI Revolution and the Future of Work: Threats and Opportunities IEEE Computer, May 2024.
- M. Aiello (2019) Viewpoint: The Success of the Web: A Triumph of the Amateurs, Communications of the ACM, 62(8):32-34.
- V. Dinesh Reddy, Brian Setz, G. Subrahmanya V. R. K. Rao, G. R. Gangadharan, and M. Aiello (2018) Best Practices for Sustainable Datacenters. IT Professional 20(5): 57-67.
- L. Zu, G. Cabri, M. Aiello, M. Mecella, and P. de Vrieze - EU-Project First consortium (2018) Twin Planning and Real Factory Planning, IM+io, AWSi Publishing: First issue, March 2018.
- M. Aiello (2013) Aware homes, Awareness Magazine: Self-awareness in autonomic systems, DOI 10.2417/3201311.00516
- B. Pernici, M. Aiello, J. vom Brocke, B. Donnellan, E. Gelenbe, and M. Kretsis (2012) What IS can do for Environmental Sustainability, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 30, Article 18.
- M. Aiello, M. Zanoni, and A. Zolet (2005) Exploring Web-Service Notification: Building a scalable domotic infrastructure. Dr. Dobb’s Journal: Software Tools for the Professional Developer, CMP, 371:48-51.
National Magazines
- Pesl, R.D., Klein, K., Aiello, M.: Verfahren zur Nutzung von unbekannten neuen Systemdiensten in einer Fahrzeuganwendung/Method for utilising unknown new system services in a vehicle application (2024), German Patent DE 10 2024 108 126 A1
Conferences and Workshops
- Y Liu, L Palmieri, S Koch, I Georgievski, M Aiello (2025) DELTA: Decomposed Efficient Long-Term Robot Task Planning using Large Language Models, ICRA 2025.
- P. Kunz, I. Georgievski, and M. Aiello (2024) Towards a Framework for Learning of Algorithms: The Case of Learned Comparison Sorts, IJCAI 2024.
- J. Liu, C.A. Sun, T. Wu, and M. Aiello (2024) Blockchain-based Privacy-preserving Data Service Provisioning for Internet of Things, IEEE Int. Conf. on Web Services (ICWS 24).
- R. Pesl, C. Mombrey, I. Georgievski, K. Klein, D. Zyberaj, S. Becker, G. Herzwurm, and M. Aiello (2024) Compositio Prompto: An Architecture to Employ Large Language Models in Automated Service Computing, ICSOC 2024.
- H. Caetano, M. Fogliatto, L. Desuó Neto, B. R. Pereira J., M. Aiello, and C. Maciel (2024) Intelligent Resource Allocation in Power Grids: Leveraging Variable Neighborhood Search for Optimal Switch Allocation, IEEE International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems.
- R. D. Pesl, M. Stötzner, I Georgievski, and M. Aiello (2023) Uncovering LLMs for Service-Composition: Challenges and Opportunities. In the 4th International Workshop on AI-enabled Process Automation (@ICSOC).
- N. Aboki, I. Georgievski, and M. Aiello (2023) Automating a Telepresence Robot for Human Detection, Tracking, and Following. In Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS 2023): 150-161.
- D. Zyberaj, P. Hirmer, and M. Aiello (2023) “Towards a Globally Distributed Testing Network in the Automotive Industry” in 4th European Symposium on Software Engineering.
- I. Georgievski and M. Aiello (2023) “The Potentials of AI Planning on the Edge” in IEEE Services-Edge.
- M. Aiello (2022) “A Challenge for the Next 50 Years of Automated Service Composition” in 20th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC), LNCS 13740, Springer.
- K. Haghshenas, B. Setz, and M. Aiello (2022) “CO2 Emission Aware Scheduling for Deep Neural Network Training Workloads” in IEEE BigData 2022.
- E. Alnazer, I. Georgievski, N. Prakash, and M. Aiello (2022) “A Role for HTN Planning in Increasing Trust in Autonomous Driving” in 8th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference 2022.
- Z. Wang, C. Sun, and M. Aiello (2022) “Context-aware IoT Service Recommendation: A Deep Collaborative Filtering-based Approach” in IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS22).
- E. Alnazer, I. Georgievski and M. Aiello (2022) “On Bringing HTN Domains Closer to Reality - The Case of Satellite and Rover Domains” in 2022 Workshop on Scheduling and Planning Applications woRKshop @ ICAPS'2022.
- Z. Wang, C. Sun, and M. Aiello (2021) “Lightweight and Context-aware Modeling of Microservice-based Internet of Things” in IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS21).
- M. Aiello, A. P. Ayégnon, and O. Jackson (2021) Qualitative Reasoning for Service Interactions. In: Leitner C., Ganz W., Satterfield D., Bassano C. (eds) Advances in the Human Side of Service Engineering. AHFE 2021. Springer, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 266: pp 394-399.
- M.T. Raman, A. Graf, B. Nieheus, and M. Aiello (2021) “Algorithmic Planning, Simulation and Validation of Smart, Shared Parking Services using Edge Hardware” In Eclipse SAAM Mobility 2021.
- L. Fiorini and M. Aiello (2020) “Predictive Multi-Objective Scheduling with Dynamic Prices and Marginal CO2-Emission Intensities” In ACM e-Energy’20.
- L. Fiorini, L. Steg, and M. Aiello (2020) “Sustainability Choices when Cooking Pasta” in ACM e-Energy’20.
- A. Sha, C. Braams, and M. Aiello (2020) “A Strategy for Prosumers' Energy Storage Utilization” In 10th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Information Technology (SEIT-2020).
- B. Setz and M. Aiello (2020) “Towards Real-Time Monitoring of Data Centers Using Edge Computing” ESOCC 2020: 141-14
- I. Georgievski, L. Fiorini, and M. Aiello (2020) “Towards Service-Oriented and Intelligent Microgrids” In the 3rd International Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems (APPIS 2020)
- B. Setz, G.S.V.R.K. Rao, A. Lazovik, M. Aiello (2019) “A Data-Driven Approach to Monitoring Colocation Data Centers” 5th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Intelligence and Computing (IEEE DataCom 2019)
- I. Georgievski, P. Gupta, and M. Aiello (2019) “Activity Learning for Intelligent Buildings” IEEE UEMCON 2019
- A.R. Pratama, A. Lazovik, and M. Aiello (2019) “Office Multi-Occupancy Detection Using BLE Beacons and Power Meters” IEEE UEMCON 2019
- L. Fiorini and M. Aiello (2019) Predictive CO2-efficient Scheduling of Hybrid Electric and Thermal Loads, in the IEEE International Conference of Energy Internet (ICEI 2019)
- I. Georgievski and M. Aiello (2019) Phantomisation in state-based HTN planning, in the 1st International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence (ASPAI' 2019)
- Johnpaul C.I., Prasad M.V.N.K., Nickolas S., G.R. Gangadharan, and Marco Aiello (2019) An Optimal Wavelet Detailed-Coefficient Determination using Time-series Clustering, International Conference On Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering May 23-24, 2019
- M. Aiello (2018) Ten Questions to Define Energy Intelligent Buildings, in Applications of Intelligent Systems 231 N. Petkov et al. (Eds.) IOS Press: 231-238
- A.R. Pratama, F. J. Simanjuntak, A. Lazovik, and M. Aiello (2018) Low-Power Appliance Recognition Using Recurrent Neural Networks, in Applications of Intelligent Systems 231 N. Petkov et al. (Eds.) IOS Press: 239 - 250
- A. Sha and M. Aiello (2018) Topological Considerations on Decentralised Energy Exchange in the Smart Grid In 8th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Information Technology (SEIT-2018), published as Procedia Computer Science. Vol. 130, p. 720-727
- M. Kalksma, B. Setz, A. R. Pratama, I. Georgievski, and M. Aiello (2018) Mining Sequential Patterns for Appliance Usage Prediction, in SmartGreens 2018.
- M. Bessani, R.R.M. Ribeiro, G.A. Pagani, M. Aiello, and C.D. Maciel (2018) Robustness of Reconfigurable Complex Systems by a Multi-Agent Simulation: Application on Power Distribution Systems) to 2018 Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon).
- I. Georgievski, F. Nizamic, A. Lazovik, and M. Aiello (2017) Cloud Ready Applications Composed via HTN Planning, in Service Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA`17).
- A. R. Pratama, A. Lazovik, M. Aiello (2017) Power-Based Device Recognition for Occupancy Detection, in Second Workshop on IOT Systems Provisioning & Management for Context-Aware Smart Cities (in conjunction with ICSOC’17).
- G. Putra, A.R. Pratama, A. Lazovik, and M. Aiello. (2017) Comparison of energy consumption in Wi-Fi and bluetooth communication in a Smart Building, in the 2017 IEEE 7th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC).
- M. Jafarian, J. Scherpen, M. Aiello (2016) A price-based approach for voltage regulation and power loss minimization for the electrical power distribution system, in 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC`16).
- B. Setz, F. Nizamic, A. Lazovik, and M. Aiello (2016) Power Management of Personal Computers based on User Behaviour, In International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, 409–416.
- A. Scala, W. Quattrociocchi, G.A. Pagani, and M. Aiello (2016) Self-healing protocols for infrastructural networks, 9th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (CRITIS’14) LNCS: 308-3013.
- T.A. Nguyen, M. Aiello, T, Yonezawa, and K Tei (2015) A self-healing Framework for Online Sensor Data, 3rd Int. Ws. on Self-Aware Internet of Things 2015 at ICAC15.
- M. Aiello and G.A. Pagani (2014) The Smart Grid’s Data Generating Potentials, Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS’14).
- F. Nizamic, T.A.Nguyen, A. Lazovik, and M. Aiello (2014) GreenMind - An Architecture and Realization for Energy Smart Buildings, The second international conference ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S’14). (Nominated for best paper award.)
- C.A. SunP. Wang, X. Zhang, M. Aiello (2014) VxBPEL_ODE: A Variability Enhanced Service Composition Engine, In: Han W., Huang Z., Hu C., Zhang H., Guo L. (eds) Web Technologies and Applications. APWeb 2014. LNCS, vol 8710. Springer: 69-81.
- F. J. Blaauw, Van der Krieke, J. A. J., Bos, E.H., Emerencia, A. C., Jeronimus, B.F., Schenk, H. M., De Vos, S., Wardenaar, K. J., Wanders, R. B. K., Wigman, J. T. W., Aiello, M., and De Jonge, P. (2014). HowNutsAreTheDutch: Personalized feedback on a national scale. AAAI Fall Symposium on Expanding the Boundaries of Health Informatics Using AI (HIAI'14), Arlington, VA. (USA)
- F. J. Blaauw, Van der Krieke, J. A. J., Aiello, M., and De Jonge, P. (2014). Leefplezier: Personalized well-being. Doctoral Consortium of the IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics 2014 (ICHI 2014), Verona, Italy
- F. J. Blaauw, Bazylevska, L., and Aiello, M. (2014). Gamification in a Consulting Company, in Workshop on Autonomous Systems 2014, VDI verlag, pp 128-139.
- G.A. Pagani and M. Aiello (2013) Modeling the Last Mile of the Smart Grid. In the 2013 PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT’13).
- G.A. Pagani and M. Aiello (2013) Cost and Benefits of Denser Topologies for the Smart Grid. In Computer and Information Sciences III from the 27th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS’12), pp. 73-81.
- I. Georgievski, T. A. Nguyen, and M. Aiello (2013) Combining Activity Recognition and AI Planning for Energy-Saving Offices. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC’13).
- T. A. Nguyen, V. Degeler, R. Contarino, A. Lazovik, D. Bucur, and M. Aiello (2013) Towards Context Consistency in a Rule-Based Activity Recognition Architecture. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Autonomic Systems.
- T. A. Nguyen, D. Bucur, M. Aiello, K. Tei (2013) Applying time series analysis and neighbourhood voting in a decentralised approach for fault detection and classification in WSNs. Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, ACM, p 234-241
- T. A. Nguyen, M. Aiello, K. Tei (2013) A Decentralized Scheme for Fault Detection and Classification in WSNs in The 1st IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, Networks, and Applications (CPSNA 2013) Work in Progress session.
- T.A. Nguyen, M. Aiello, K. Tei (2013) Towards a Lightweight Decentralised Approach for Detecting and Classifying Sensor Data Faults in WSNs in Proceedings of The 4th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2013).
- G.A. Pagani and M. Aiello (2012) A Statistical Analysis of Power Grid Vulnerabilities. In Workshops of The seventh CRITIS Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (CRITIS’12).
- E.U. Warriach, K. Tei, T.A. Nguyen, and M. Aiello (2012) A Hybrid Fault Detection Approach for Context-aware Wireless Sensor Networks In the 10th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing.
- T.A. Nguyen and M. Aiello (2012) Beyond Indoor Presence Monitoring with Simple Sensors. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems.
- E.U. Warriach, K. Tei, T.A. Nguyen, and M. Aiello (2012) Fault Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks: a Hybrid Approach. In 11th ACM Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN'12 POSTER Session).
- N. Capodieci, G. Cabri, G.A. Pagani, and M. Aiello (2012) An Agent-based Application to Enable Deregulated Energy Markets, IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2012), pp.638-647.
- N. Capodieci, G. Cabri, G.A. Pagani, and M. Aiello (2012) Adaptive Game-based Agent Negotiation in Deregulated Energy Markets In Ws on Adaptive Collaboration at (CTS 2012), pp.300-307.
- E. Kaldeli, A. Lazovik, and M. Aiello (2011) Continual Planning with Sensing for Web Service Composition, In Twenty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-11).
- P. Bulanov, H. Groefsema, and M. Aiello (2011) Declarative Enhancement Framework for Business Processes, In Int. Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, ICSOC, LNCS 7084, pp 495-504.
- H. Groefsema, P. Bulanov, and M. Aiello (2011) Business Process Variability: A Tool for Declarative Template Design, In Int. Conference on Service-Oriented Computing - Demo Track, ICSOC.
- P. Bulanov, A. Lazovik, and M. Aiello (2011) Business Process Customization using Process Merging Techniques. In IEEE Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA-2011).
- M. Aiello, F. Aloise, R. Baldoni, F. Cincotti, G. Guger, A. Lazovik, M. Mecella, P. Pucci, J. Rinsma, G. Santucci, and M. Taglieri (2011) Smart Homes to Improve the Quality of Life for All In 33rd Annual International IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, pp.1777-1780.
- N. Capodieci, G.A. Pagani, G. Cabri, and M. Aiello (2011) Smart Meter aware Domestic Energy Trading Agents, in International E-Energy Market Challenge at 8th ACM Autonomic Computing Conference, pp 1-10.
- A. Emerencia, L. van de Krieke, N. Petkov, and M. Aiello (2011) Assessing Schizophrenia With A Highly Interoperable Architecture, in Workshop Managing Interoperability and Complexity in Health Systems (MIXHS’11) at ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), pp 79-82. (Challenges and Visions award.)
- E. U. Warriach, E. Kaldeli, J. Bresser, A. Lazovik, and M. Aiello (2011) Heterogeneous Device Discovery Framework For the Smart Homes, In IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, pp 637-640.
- F. Aloise, F. Schettini, P. Aricò, S. Salinari, C. Guger, J. Rinsma, M. Aiello, D. Mattia, and F. Cincotti (2011) Validation of an asynchronous P300-based BCI with potential end users to control a virtual environment, in 5th Conf. on Brain-Computer Interfaces.
- E. Kaldeli, E.U. Warriach, J. Bresser, A. Lazovik, and M. Aiello (2010) Interoperation, Composition and Simulation of Services at Home, In Int. Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, ICSOC, LNCS 6470, pp 167-181.
- E.U. Warriach, E. Kaldeli, J. Bresser, A. Lazovik, and M. Aiello (2010) A tool for integrating pervasive services and simulating their composition, In Int. Conference on Service-Oriented Computing - Demo Session, ICSOC, LNCS 6470, pp 726-727.
- G.A. Pagani and M. Aiello (2010) Towards a Service-Oriented Energy Market: Current state and trend. In Workshop on Service, Energy and Ecosystems (co-located with ICSOC’10), LNCS 6568, pp 203-209.
- V. Degeler, I. Georgievski, A. Lazovik, and M. Aiello (2010) Concept mapping for faster QoS-Aware Web Service Composition. In IEEE Conference on Service Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA’10), IEEE, pp 1-4.
- M. Aiello, P. Bulanov, and H. Groefsema (2010) Requirements and Tools for Variability Management, in IEEE workshop on Requirement Engineering for Services (REFS 2010) at IEEE COMPSAC.
- M. Aiello, P. Bulanov, and H. Groefsema (2010) A survey of variability management requirements, in Workshop Proceedings of the Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, vol 662:35-36.
- Chang-ai Sun, Tieheng Xue, and Marco Aiello (2010) ValySeC: a Variability Analysis Tool for Service Compositions using VxBPEL, IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC), pp 307-314.
- I. Nakiyimba, D.W. Williams, and M. Aiello (2010) Modeling Enterprise Information Systems Integration Evaluation as a Dynamic System, Int. Conf. on Computing and ICT Research (ICCIR 2010).
- E. Kaldeli, A. Lazovik, and M. Aiello (2009) Extended Goals for Composing Services in 19th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2009) ed. A. Gerevini et al, AAAI.
- E. Lazovik, P. den Dulk, M. de Groote, A. Lazovik, and M. Aiello (2009) Services inside the Smart Home: A Simulation and Visualization tool, Int. Conf. on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC’09) ed. Baresi et al, Springer, LNCS 5900, pages 651–652.
- M. Aiello, R. de Jong, and J. de Nes (2009) Bluetooth Broadcasting: How far can we go? An experimental study. Int. Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications (ICPCA'09) In Pervasive Computing (JCPC), 2009 Joint Conferences on IEEE, pages 471–476.
- M. Aiello, E. el Khoury, A. Lazovik,and P. Ratelband (2009) Optimal QoS-Aware Web Service Composition, In Joint 11th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC’09) and the 6th IEEE Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services, IEEE, pages 491–494.
- R. Baldoni, C. Di Ciccio, M. Mecella, F. Patrizi, L. Querzoni, G. Santucci, S. Dustdar, F. Li, H.L. Truong, L. Albornos, F. Milagro, P.A. Rafael, R. Ayani, K. Rasch, M.G. Lozano, M. Aiello, A. Lazovik, A. Denaro, G. Lasala, P. Pucci, C. Holzner, F. Cincotti, and F. Aloise, (2009) An Embedded Middleware Platform for Pervasive and Immersive Environments for-All. In Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks Workshops, 2009. SECON Workshops '09. 6th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on , pp.1-3.
- M. Aiello, N. van Benthem, and E. el Khoury (2008) Visualizing Compositions of Services from Large Repositories, in Joint 10th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC'08) and the 5th IEEE Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services IEEE Computer, pages 359–362.
- C. Sun and M. Aiello (2008) Towards Variable Service Compositions using VxBPEL, In International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR08), Mei, H. (Ed.), Springer, LNCS 5030, pp.257-261.
- M. Aiello, B. Ottens (2007) The Mathematical Morpho-Logical view on Reasoning about Space. In Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'07) p. 205-211, Hyderabad, India.
- C. Sun and Marco Aiello (2007) Requirements and Evaluation of Protocols and Tools for Transaction Management in Service Centric Systems. In IEEE workshop on Requirement Engineering for Services (REFS 07) at IEEE COMPSAC, Volume II:461-466.
- M. Aiello, S. Dustdar, H. Gall. DMC (2007) Distributed and Mobile Collaboration. In IEEE Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for collaborative enterprises (WET-ICE 07) pages 167-169.
- M. Aiello, F. Rosenberg, C. Platzer, A. Ciabattoni, S. Dustdar (2006) QoS Composition at the level of part names. In Web Services and Formal Methods (WS-FM'06) Springer, LNCS 4184, pages 24-37.
- M. Aiello, C. Platzer, F. Rosenberg, H. Tran, M. Vasko, S. Dustdar (2006) Web Service Indexing for Efficient Retrieval and Composition. In Joint 8th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC'06) and the 3rd IEEE Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services IEEE Computer, pages 424-426.
- M. Aiello (2006) The Role of Web Services at Home. In IEEE Web Services-based Systems and Applications (WEBSA at ICIW) IEEE Computer.
- A. Lazovik, M. Aiello, and R. Gennari (2006) Choreographies: using Constraints to Satisfy Service Requests. In IEEE Web Services-based Systems and Applications (WEBSA at ICIW) IEEE Computer.
- S. Dustdar and M. Aiello (2006) Service Oriented Computing: Service Foundations. Service Oriented Computing, Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, vol 05462.
- M. Aiello and M. Zanoni (2006) Web Service e Domotica: un Connubio Possibile, in Conf. AICA 2006, Ass. Italiana Calcolo Automatico.
- M. Aiello, G. Frankova, and D. Malfatti (2005) What's in an Agreement? An Analysis and an Extension of WS-Agreement. LNCS 3826:424-436, Int. Conf. on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC) 2005.
- A. Lazovik, M. Aiello, and R. Gennari (2005) Encoding Requests to Web Service Compositions as Constraints. LNCS 3709:782-786. Constraint Programming (CP’05).
- M. Aiello, M. Marchese, P. Busetta, and G. Calabrese (2005) Opening the Home: a Web Service Approach to Domotics, volume I:271-279, In N. Guimaraes and P. Isaias (eds). Applied Computing 2005 IADIS.
- A. Lazovik, M. Aiello, and M. Papazoglou (2004) Associating Assertions with Business Processes and Monitoring their Execution. In M. Aiello, M. Aoyama, F. Curbera, and M. Papazoglou (eds). ICSOC'04 ACM Press, pages 94-104.
- V. D’Andrea, I. Fikouras, and M. Aiello (2004) Interface inheritance for object-oriented service composition based on model-driven configuration. In S. Weerawarana (ed). RA221:W0411-084 ICSOC'04 (forum) IBM.
- A. Lazovik, M. Aiello, and M. Papazoglou (2003) Planning and monitoring the execution of web service requests. Int. Conf. Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC'03) LNCS 2910, pages 335-350.
- M. Aiello and A. Smeulders (2003) Bidimensional Relations for Reading Order Detection. 7th Joint Conference on Information Sciences
- V. D’Andrea and M. Aiello (2003) Services and Objects: Open issues. In G. Piccinelli and S. Weerawarana (eds). IBM Research Report RA 220 Computer Science, pages 23-29.
- M. Aiello, M. Papazoglou, J. Yang, M. Carman, M. Pistore, L. Serafini, and P. Traverso (2002) A request language for web-services based on planning and constraint satisfaction. VLDB Workshop on Technologies for E-Services (TES) Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, pages 76-85.
- M. Aiello (2001) Computing Spatial Similarity by Games. Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA-01) In F. Esposito (ed). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNAI 2175, pages 99-110.
- L. Todoran, M. Aiello, C. Monz, and M. Worring (2001) Logical Structure Detection for Heterogeneous Document Classes. Document Recognition and Retrieval VIII, SPIE pages 99-110.
- M. Aiello, P. Busetta, A Donà, and L. Serafini (2001) Ontological Overhearing. In 8th International Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages (ATAL-2001) Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNAI, pages 1-15.
- M. Aiello (2000) Topo-distance: Measuring the Difference between Spatial Patterns. In M. Ojeda-Aciego and de Guzman, I. and Brewka, G. and Moniz Pereira, L. (eds). Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2000) Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNAI 1919, pages 73-86.
- M. Aiello, M. Monz, and L. Todoran (2000) Combining Linguistic and Spatial Information for Document Analysis. In J. Mariani and Harman, D. (eds). Proceedings of RIAO'2000 Content-Based Multimedia Information Access pages 266-275.
- M. Aiello and Areces, C., and de Rijke, M., Spatial Reasoning for Image Retrieval. (1999) In P. Lambrix and Borgida, A. and Lenzerini, M. and Moeller, R and Patel-Schneider, P. (eds). Proceeding of the International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'99) pages 23-27.
- A. Agostini and M. Aiello (1999) Teaching via the Web: A self-evaluation game using Java for learning logical equivalence. In P. De Bra and J. Leggett (eds). Proceedings of WebNet99 1:75-80.
- M. Aiello and J. van Benthem (1999) Spaces to Play: Topo-Games, in M. Pauly and A. Baltag, A. (eds). Workshop on Logic and Games num PP-99-25 pages 17-18.
- M. Aiello (1998) Spatial Reasoning and Reasoning with Images. Proceedings of the Accolade {'98.
- M. Aiello, L. De Maria, and C. De Mei (1997) A Java toolkit for representing 3D environments, Proceedings of WebNet97.
- M. Aiello and M. Haeberli (1996) Integrating Servers for Communication over the Internet. Proceedings of WebNet96.
- Marco Aiello (2018) The Web Was Done by Amateurs: A Reflection on One of the Largest Collective Systems Ever Engineered. Springer.
- Marco Aiello (2017) two bestsellers. Saccargia Holding BV Publisher.
Edited Books
- Marco Aiello, Johanna Barzen, Schahram Dustdar, Frank Leymann (2023) Proceedings of the 17th Symposium and Summer School, SummerSOC 2023, Revised Selected Papers
- Marco Aiello, Athman Bougettaya, Damian Tamburri, and Willem-Jan van den Heuvel (2021) Next-Gen Digital Services. A Retrospective and Roadmap for Services Computing of the Future, LNCS 12521, Springer.
- Marco Aiello, Yujiu Yang, Yuezian Zou, and Liang-Jie Zhang (2018) Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Services, 7th Int. Conf. Held as part of Service Conference Federation, SCF 2018, LNCS 10970, Springer.
- Marco Aiello, Einar Broch Johnsen, Schahram Dustdar, Ilche Georgievski (2016) Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing - 5th IFIP WG 2.14 European Conference, ESOCC 2016, Vienna, Austria, September 5-7, 2016, Proceedings. LNCS 9846, Springer.
- Marco Aiello, Ian Pratt-Hartman, Johan van Benthem eds. (2007) Handbook of Spatial Logics, Springer.
- Marco Aiello, Miko Aoyama, Francisco Curbera, and Mike Papazoglou (2004) Second International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2004) ACM Press.
Chapters in Books
- M. Aiello, L. Fiorini, and I. Georgievski (2021) Software Engineering Smart Energy Systems. In. Handbook of Smart Energy Systems, Springer.
- V. Dinesh Reddy, G.R. Gangadharan, S. Rao, and M. Aiello (2020) Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in Data Centers Using a Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm, In J,K. Rout, M. Rout, Minakhi, and H. Das (eds), Springer, pages: 71-92.
- M. Aiello and G.A. Pagani (2016) How energy distribution will change: an ICT perspective, In Smart Grids from a Global Perspective, J. de Wilde, A. Beaulieu, and J. Scherpen (eds), Springer.
- M. Aiello, R. Baldoni, A. Lazovik, and M. Mecella (2015) Self-Steering and Aware Homes, In The Computer After Me: Awareness and Self-Awareness in Autonomic Systems, J. Pitt (ed), Imperial College Press.
- M. Aiello, A. Emerencia, and H.G. Sol (2014) Bringing Adaptiveness and Resilience to e-Health, In Engineering Adaptive and Resilient Computing Systems, G. Cabri and N. Suri (eds), Taylor & Francis.
- M. Aiello, Ian Pratt-Hartman, Johan van Benthem (2007) What is Spatial Logic? in Handbook of Spatial Logics. Springer, pages: 1-11.
- M. Papazoglou, M. Aiello, and P. Giorgini (2004) Service-Oriented Computing and Software Agents. In L. Cavedon, Z. Maamar, D. Martin, B. Benatallah (eds). Extending Web Services Technologies, Kluwer, pages 29-52.
- M. Aiello and J. van Benthem (2002) Logical Patterns in Space. In D. Barker-Plummer and Beaver, D. and van Benthem, J. and Scotto di Luzio, P. (eds). Words, Proofs, and Diagrams pages 5-25.
- M. Aiello and A. Smeulders (1999) Where do Logic and Computer Vision meet? In J. Gerbrandy, M. Marx, M. de Rijke, and Y. Venema (eds) JFAK. Essays Dedicated to Johan van Benthem on the Occasion of his 50th Birthday Vossiuspers, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam.
Editorials, forewords, and reviews
- M. Aiello (2022) IoT Architectures: From Data to Smart Systems, Speciality Grand Challenge in Frontiers in the Internet of Things, IoT Architecture Section.
- G. Azzopardi, D. Karastoyanova, M. Aiello, and C. Schizas (2021) Editorial: Autonomous Health Monitoring and Assistance Systems Using IoT, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, vol. 8, pages 53.
- Y. Hu, M. Aiello and C. Hu (2018) Information diffusion in online social networks: A compilation. In Special Issue of the Journal of Computational Science, Elsevier, 28(7):204-205.
- M. Aiello, T.W. Kuo, K.J. Lin, C.M. Cheng, T. Ito, H.L. Truong (2016) Welcome Message from the Chairs, in 2016 IEEE 9th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA)
- G. Cabri, F. Bergenti, M. Aiello, S. Reddy, R. Reddy (2014) Introduction to the Special Issue on Enabling Technologies for Collaborations. Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, UDV, 15(4)
- S. Reddy and M. Aiello (2014) Message from the Program Co-chairs, n 2014 IEEE 23rd International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprise (WETICE), Parma, Italy, 2014
- M. Aiello (2013) Foreword. In Research and Development in E-Business through Service-Oriented Solutions. IGI Global
- M. Aiello, N. Agarwal, R. Raman, and U. Rathod. (2012) Foreword, In Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, Springer, 3(2): 71-72.
- M. Aiello (2009) General Chair’s Report, in 18th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises.
- M. Aiello, T. Catarci, and M. Mecella (2009) Smart Homes Infrastructures and Interactions (SHII 2009) in 18th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises, pages 234-235.
- M.Aiello et al. (2009) Preface In First International Conference on Advances in Peer-to-Peer Systems (AP2PS 2009), IEEE:ix-x.
- V. D'Andrea and M. Aiello (2006) Introduction to the second special issue on Service Oriented Computing. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 15(3):289-292.
- M. Aiello and V. D'Andrea (2005) Introduction to the special issue on Service Oriented Computing. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems World Scientific, 14(4): 329-331.
- M. Aiello (2001) Review of Parts and Places, R. Casati and A. Varzi, MIT press. Journal of Logic, Language and Information, Springer, 10(2):269-272.
- R. Pesl, P. Radgen, and M. Aiello (2024) Künstliche Intelligenz: Umwelt- auswirkungen der KI messbar mache, Sozialwirtschaft , 34(6):15–17.
- X. Xia, Zhi Jin, M. Aiello, D. Zhang, G. Liang, and X. Hu (2024) Software Service Engineering in the Era of Large Language Models. SSE 2024: xxiii. Panel Repor )
- M. Aiello, Y. Bai, G. Cabri, N. Eder, F. Mandreoli, M. Mecella, H. Mu, K. Phalp, P. de Vrieze, L. Xu and H. Yu. (2017) EU H2020 FIRST- vF Interoperation suppoRting buSiness innovation. Network Plus: Industrial Systems in the Digital Age Conference 2017, Glasgow
- M. Aiello (2014) Shedding (LED) light on the 2014 Physics Nobel Prize. University of Groninen
- M. Aiello (2012) Spatial Distributed Information: From a Silly Chat to the Smart Grid. Inaugural Speech. University of Groning
- M. Aiello (2011) One quote, two quotes, billions of quotes! University of Groningen (student yearly almanac, theme: `quotes”)
- M. Aiello (2008) Do computers panic? University of Groningen (student yearly almanac, theme: `panic’)
- Changai Sun and Marco Aiello (2007) A Declarative Approach to Integrating Transaction Management into BPEL Processes, Technical Report IWI PP 2007-7-01, Univ. of Gron .
- M. Aiello (2006) Service-Oriented Computing: Composition and Mobility. Centro Stampa dell'Università degli Studi di Trento, 2006. 90 pages. ISBN: 88-8443- .
- M. Aiello (2005) The Role of Web Services at Home. DIT-05-065 Univ. Trento, o.
- A. Lazovik, M. Aiello, and R. Gennari (2005) Encoding Requests to Web Service Compositions as Constraints. DIT-05-40, Univ. Trento, to.
- M. Aiello, G. Frankova, and D. Malfatti (2005) What's in an Agreement? A Formal Analysis and an Extension of WS-Agreement. DIT-05-39, Univ. Trento, to.
- M. Aiello, M. Marchese, P. Busetta, and G. Calabrese (2004) Opening the Home: a Web Service Approach to Domotics DIT-04-109 Univ. Trento, to.
- M. Aiello and A. Pegoretti (2004) Textual Article Clustering in Newspaper Pages. DIT-04-102 Univ. Trento, to.
- M. Aiello and P. Giorgini (2004) Applying the Tropos Methodology for Analysing Web Services Requirements and Reasoning about Qualities of Services. DIT-04-34 Univ. Trento nto.
- M. Aiello, C. Bussler, V. D'Andrea, and J. Yang (2003) Forum Session at ICSOC 03. DIT-03-56 Univ. Trento, to.
- A. Lazovik, M. Aiello, and M. Papazoglou (2003) Planning and monitoring the execution of web service requests. DIT-03-49 Univ. Trento, to.
- V. D'Andrea and M. Aiello (2003) Services and Objects: Open issues. DIT-03-85 Univ. Trent ento
- M. Papazoglou, M. Aiello, M. Pistore, and J. Yang (2002) XSRL: An XML web-services request language. DIT-02-0079 Univ. Trento, to.
- M. Aiello (2002) Spatial Reasoning: Theory and Practice. ILLC Dissertations series UvA, 2002-2, p 224.
- M. Aiello and A. Smeulders (2002) Thick 2D Relations for Document Understanding. DIT-02-063 Univ. Trento, to.
- M. Aiello and J. van Benthem (2002) A Modal Walk through Space. PP-01-23 UvA, Am am.
- M. Aiello, J. van Benthem, and G. Bezhanishvili (2001) Reasoning about Space: the Modal Way. PP-01-18 UvA, rdam.
- M. Aiello and J. van Benthem (1999) Logical Patterns in Space PP-99-24 UvA, rdam.
- M. Aiello, N. Cancedda, B. Errico, and M. Pizzonia (1998) Intelligenza Artificiale: Un Approccio Moderno. In L. Carlucci (eds), UTET. Translation into Italian of Russel and Norvig Artificial Intelligence: A mode proach.
- M. Aiello (1997) The use of scripting languages for rapid prototyping, Master in Ingegneria Informatica, Univ. di Roma La Sapienza, in Italian.